Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mood swings

There is a reason why I called my blog, Mandy's Midlife Mayhem, I never have two days the same. One day I'm high, the next low (even during the same day the mood can change in a second).  I would liked to have said that yesterday was a good day, but I can't.  

The day started early with a trip to the airport to see off my sister-in-law and brother-in-law.  No matter how busy the week has been, it's always sad to see my family and friends leave, but I was comforted by knowing that we would see them again in August.

Anyway, at 9:00 am I went for my fortnightly visit to the nail salon.  To be honest, I was very disappointed with the last lot, but apparently I'd had an inexperienced nail technician, so I'd complained and was given a more senior member of staff to do my nails.  They looked good, I was happy (let's see how long they last).

I then went to my first baby shower and met up all my team, the 'mum-to-be' and some of her friends.  Although I was really tired and actually was not in the mood to mix and mingle, I had a really nice time.  The organisers had put a lot of effort into making sure everyone was fed, watered, and entertained.  It was great to share the excitement with the new mum, who awaits the arrival of her son in about 5 weeks.  I spent a lot of my time talking to my boss's mum-in-law who at 76 still works for a living and is a picture of health.  She is a wealth of information and was an inspiration to me.

The organiser also had some of her own news.  Her boyfriend had been to my favourite place (yes, Cara's Jewellers) and bought her a fabulous engagement ring and had proposed to her on Thursday night. I just loved her ring (it was massive - he'd made a great choice), I was so pleased for them both.

The rest of my day yesterday was crap and that is all I will say.  But when I have day's like yesterday, I need to speak to my mum (we all need our mums no matter what age we are, don't we?).  I managed to talk to her for about 5 minutes, but she was on her way out so I got to say hello and said I'd catch up with her hopefully today after work.

After the first bout of bad news, I was hit was with a second lot.  My hubby said we may not be able to fly to the Maldives on Saturday.  Apparently due to the political unrest, the British Embassy are warning people not to travel there.  So, after a lot of deliberating we cancelled the holiday.  

Next came a visit from my friend/hairdresser, I certainly was not in the mood to have my hair done but I'd organised it a while back and she had come straight from work.  Whilst doing my hair, I noticed two of my ornaments missing from my wall cabinet in the lounge. God only knows where they are.  They are both sentimental to me and I was quite upset about their whereabouts. Hubby reminded me they are just inanimate objects and not worth worrying about.  Putting it all into perspective, he's right.

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