Saturday, March 24, 2012

Friday Brunch

Good morning everyone.  Yesterday I woke early and decided to sort out some of my son's belongings that he's left behind.  Obviously because he is travelling around for a while he didn't want to be traipsing everything with him.  It's always difficult to know what to keep and what to throw away, but I thought I did a good job.  Going through his stuff though I found an old birthday card addressed to my sister-in-law.  I couldn't understand why James had it in his belongings then realised I'd given it to him last year to post whilst he was back in the UK.  My god, what are they like?  If you want something doing, do it yourself lol.  I also found other important documents that he will probably need, but am sure when he realises he hasn't got them he'll be on the phone.  Typical, he should have let me do it in the first place then he would be sorted.
After a lazy start to the day, we headed off for a Friday Brunch at Saffron, Atlantis Hotel, Palm Jumeira.  My youngest son came along and we met up with a couple of friends.  My son was still a bit worse for wear when he arrived home at 10:00 am from the previous night.  I ordered him to drink a lot of water to help sober him up, which he did thankfully.  Saffron is a great place to take visitors, (most of mine love to say they've been to Atlantis on the Palm).  There is a massive food selection from around the world, the food is delicious but unfortunately there is so much to choose from, we were tempted to try nearly everything.  I opted for seafood to start, then a nice big pork (with crackling and apple sauce) sandwich, then roast dinner, then god knows what else. 

There is a great atmosphere with generally everyone in the party mood.  At the beginning of the day everyone looks fabulous, all the women are dolled up to the nines, and most of the men spend there time staring with their tongues hanging out (or may be that's just my son lol).  I was determined not to embarrass myself after the boat scenario, so I took it easy and made sure I had lots to eat so it would soak up the alcohol. It's great watching people around you get really drunk and it's amazing what you notice.   As the drinks flowed, people got more and more merry, it's funny to watch people lose their inhibitions when they're drunk. 
My son trying to be creative
Saffron have an outside terrace and later in the after they open a small area where people can go to paint pictures on canvas.  I think it's supposed to be for the children but needless to say there are more adults painting than there are kids.  As usual, my son had to have a shot at the painting, this time (unlike the last) he kept most of the paint on the canvas and not on his face.

Once again, I ordered a celebratory early birthday cake for my sister-in-law, but this time it came on time with no hitches.  I'm not quite sure if she was happy about the early celebrations or not.  It's more the fact that she doesn't particularly like the idea of turning 50.  But I don't care, I love her loads and wanted to do something to show how much she means to me.

Instead of moving on somewhere else after the brunch, we all decided we'd had enough (especially as we had to be up for the airport at 5 in the morning).  We we headed home.  Throughout the day I'd tried to call me other son (in Thailand) but had had no response, there was also no blog from him and nothing on facebook, which worried me a little.  Hubby kept telling me to stop worrying but by the time I went to bed my mind was running overtime and I was unable to sleep.  I'm hoping I'll catch up with him today.  Bye for now, see you tomorrow.

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