Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Shoes

Today, I have been wondering about this blog business.  I'm actually really enjoying it but I don't really know if I know if I'm doing it right.  Is there a right or wrong way to do it? I'm not sure.  My main question is, how often should I write?  I'm been doing it every day for almost a week, but I have two concerns:
1: Will I have enough to write everyday and keep people interested?
2: If I miss a day or two will the people stop reading and move onto something else?

I'm not sure, but for now I will continue.  I've had some great feedback from everyone who has read my blogs and the positivity has encouraged me to continue.  I even had an email from an old colleague/friend of mine today.  17 years ago, he was my tutor when I was lets say a 'mature student' at Hull College Not long afterwards I started working there and he then became my boss.  I respect and thank him for the help he gave me then and for the support he's giving now.  

Yesterday after work, hubby and myself met up with some friends for dinner.  One of the ladies is a wonderful Filipino woman who has recently returned to the UAE after giving birth to her second son just over 4 months ago.  She is such a wonderful, fun loving woman, who misses her sons dearly.  I have huge admiration for her and am so proud  that she has the strength to leave her family in the Philippines to come and work here, sending most of the money she earns back home to support her family.  She is so strong, I'm not sure I would have ever been able to do that.  

We met up at the house of another friend who (along with her husband) are both great company and fantastic hosts.  They have a gorgeous child and a beautiful home and we've known each over since we moved from Abu Dhabi 3.5 years ago.  Although we are similar in ways, she had one big heads up above me, she COOKS and she cooks well.  I was amazed to find out that she had woken up at 5:00 am and cooked lasagna and baked me a birthday cake.  Would you believe it?  I couldn't.  It was such a shock, but a really nice surprise.  However, I did tell them not to expect the same service from me if they ever came for dinner at ours, as I only believe there is one 5 o'clock in a day and that is 5:00 pm.
Anyway, the evening was very pleasant, catching up on old times and talking about the further.  At the end of the night I was presented with another nice surprise - a birthday present.  A pair of  shoes.  
Needless to say, they know me well, and know I love shoes (think I get that off my big sister, she's mad about them).  Apparently, my friend had called my hubby in the morning to ask my shoe size but he didn't know.  What's all about?  On the other hand, he thought he would be smart and told her my chest size, lol.  Typical man, however he got that wrong as well.  I don't know almost 11 years together and he still doesn't know.
So again, I drank wine, ate good food and missed the planned treadmill session.  So you see, every time I try to diet and lose weight, I get led astray by someone and their lovely hospitality. 

As I'm writing this I know for a fact they'll be no exercise tonight. Hubby is cooking downstairs and the aroma of the food is floating upstairs, I can almost taste it from here.
Tomorrow will be no exercise and probably no blog, as tomorrow is the night I've been waiting for for weeks.  Duran Duran are coming to town.  I am so excited, can't wait, it's like being 16 again.  It'll be a mad rush home from work, quick shower and change and drive over to the Dubai Rugby 7s ground for the gig.  So probably be back on Friday for an update.

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