Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Goodbye Canada

So, we're about to leave Vancouver, Canada and take the short flight back to Seattle, where we will stay for 2 days before flying back to Dubai on Thursday. All in all I have had a great time here in Canada and would recommend it to anyone (especially if you like skiing or wildlife).

Yesterday, we started the day off nice and easy and spent a little time in Starbucks catching up with some friends and family on facebook. I've said it before but I just love the power of the internet and how we can all keep in touch with our loved ones with the click of a button (although i wasn't impressed that the hotel didn't have free wifi in the rooms).
Anyway, I ended up speaking to my best friend, my sister-in-law, a son of one of my very good friends, and two old friends from years back (all at the same time). Unfortunately, I had some news from my old school friend that really shocked me and made me once again believe that we should live for today as tomorrow may never come. She told me that the man who had been my husband's best man at my first wedding, his twin brother had died 5 years ago. My god, the poor bloke must have just turned 40! (what's all that about then?). I was so shocked, it's no age! I remembered how everyone used to call them the 'twinies' (as you do with twins), it must have been awful and I send out my belated condolensces to his family.

On a lighter note, hubby and I went on a trip to Capalino Suspension Bridge Park, where we walked across the Suspension Bridge (never, I hear you say lol). The bridge was built in 1889 and is 450 feet above the canyon floor, it is in a temperature rain forest, filled with all sort of wildlife (I was a little worried when I saw a sign for forest spiders, but thankfully we never saw any). It was great, and again fabulous scenary including a cliffwalk, treetop adventure and a nice place to take pictures of totem poles.

Hubby and I decided not to wait for the bus back to the hotel but thought it would be nice to walk (aiming for 10,000 steps a day). So we set off and walked from Caplino to our hotel. It was actually a pretty nice walk (although I think if my holidays in the future are going to be walking holidays I need to buy pair of proper shoes). Anyway, all was going well, until we got to the opposite end of Lion Gate bridge (which is the entrance to Stanley Park). There had been a very bad accident right at the beginning of the bridge. Thank god, no one was hurt and we could see in the car that was involved that the airbags had gone off and the driver, although shook up was ok :)

As we continued our walk through the park, the traffic was queuing up due to the accident. A number of people in the cars, stopped to ask us what had happened. One girl in particular, stopped, asked what was going on, when we explained she just laughed' (really? honestly, I know the Canadians are fun loving, happy people, but would you still laugh?). Anyway, almost 10 km and14000 steps later we reached the hotel, ready for a well deserved vokda and coke.

On the evening we went to a lovely restuarant situated next door to our hotel called the lift bar and grill. It was really nice, we were very impressed with the fact that the menu was handed to us on an ipad! how cool is that? of all the restuarants we've been to in Dubai we've never ordered from an ipad. The meal was fabulous and the service outstanding, well done to the staff at the lift.

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