Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Seattle part 2

Yesterday, when we arrived at the airport in Vancouver, I was totally confused (which doesn't take a much). One minute hubby and I were going through the Canadian customs, the next we walked around the corner to see a sign saying welcome to the USA. Therefore I thought the american border must have been there. My hubby insisted it wasn't, but I proceeded to insist that they wouldn't have advertised the fact that we were in America if we weren't.

Still confused, I asked the customs officer if we were in the US and he said yes welcome to the USA (so I was right, I think). But my hubby continued to insist we had not crossed the boarder. We continued to have this disagreement until we ended up connecting to the Internet and checking the US border on a world map. Hubby was right (damn him) the border is on the edge of somewhere called Blaine, so god knows (am I just being really stupid? I was never really good with geography).
So, we checked in at the Pan Pacific hotel and dropped off our luggage before going to find somewhere to eat. We didn't get far as we walked down the stairs and found a great supermarket which sold all sorts. But the best thing was it had live cooking stations were you could order food and then either take it out of or eat in. Hubby and I ordered some great Chinese food and ate it whilst we watched the staff continue to cook the lovely food (I tell you we know how to live, eating in a supermarket lol).

We then walked up to the world famous Space Needle and took a trip up to the observation deck of the major landmark of the Pacific Northwest region of the US. Its 50 years old this year and is 605 feet high and 138 feet wide, there are some great views, but I have to say its hard to be impressed when you've been up the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. I did think it was the tower where they filmed sleepless in Seattle but apparently that was the empire state building (told you I'm not very good at geography).

On the way back to the hotel we were accosted by another couple of vagrants (lol, we must just attract them), but we did laugh as they were so drunk/drugged up we thought we'd easily be able to out run them if they turned on us. I think it's a shopping day for us today as I feel a little deprived of shops recently.

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