Tuesday, April 24, 2012

PMA almost slipped away, but I got it back

Hi guys, thought I'd just check in and do a mid week blog.  It's been a bit of a strange week (work wise).   I had a really long day at work on Sunday (almost 12 hours) where I had to listen to the same presentation being presented to 6 different lots of people.  You're probably thinking why couldn't everyone have listened to the same one, but there was method in my boss' madness.

It didn't help when I got strange stomach cramps in the afternoon and sat there most of the afternoon holding my stomach and trying not to break wind.  OMG can you imagine how embarrassed I would have been?  I am sure my friends and family are probably thinking 'what stopped you Mandy, it doesn't normally stop you', but I do have some decorum (Honestly).

Yesterday, I heard a couple of things at work that I didn't particular like and upset me quite a bit.  Luckily, my boss is very supportive and I know with her backing I'll be fine.  But I really lost my PMA for a while and went home and had a bit of a rant and rave to my hubby.   Thanks to Paul McKenna, I can't eat too much now but I did hit the wine bottle (which is a bit of a vice of mine when I'm stressed).   Then I remembered there are worse things in life then a few hurtful comments from people who don't mean anything to me and after just one glass of wine, I was done.   Then my son sent me a message on facebook, saying he had loads of PMA and I could have some of his (bless him).

On the subject of Paul McKenna, all is going well and I'm continuing with my regime of listening to the CD each night and doing 45 minutes on the treadmill each morning. 

My hubby did try to get me to look at new places for us to move into when our rental agreement is due up in a couple of months.  I looked for a while (which to be honest I've been doing for a few months already).  But then my heart wasn't in it and we gave up.

On the positive side of things, I have actually managed to speak to James on Skype which is great and up until earlier today, I was also chatting with him on facebook. 

I am concerned though as although his 'dengi fever' has gone, he now has an infection in his leg which has been caused by mosquito bites. (I tell you, the bloody things seem to have a vengeance on me and my family).  Apparently though it's getting worse and he won't go to the hospital because it is too expensive.  Needless to say he has ignored my pleas for him to go for medical help and I think he is just waiting for his leg to fall off!!!  After offering to send me some of his PMA yesterday, today he's said he's losing it (what is wrong with us both?  God, like mother and like son lol).

My very good friend has been organising trips away for us and I have decided she should change her name to Judith as in Judith Chalmers her of 'Wish you where here' fame, a British TV show about travel and holiday that was broadcast in the 1970's (god I'm showing my age).  Anyway, the first night away is next week and then about a month after that to celebrate her birthday.  Which will be a great break in between my next two visits to Saudi Arabia next month.

Right I'm off for now, one of my favorite films of all times is on the TV 'PS I love you'  starring the gorgeous Gerard Butler and the lovely Hillary Swank.  Honestly, god only knows how many times I've watched it and I still cry every time I see it (sorry couldn't resist two pics of Gerard).

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