Saturday, April 28, 2012

Glee or Tina Turner Impersonator (no contest)

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you're all having a great day and in fact had a great week.  Well, the weather outside is hotting up, it's 36 degrees at the moment, was lovely this morning but a little too hot now to sit outside.

I'm still feeling a little strange about the whole work situation (comments that were made and other small things that are happening), which at the moment I am trying to ignore. But I must admit I am one of those people who will ignore it for so long then I'll have to say what is on my mind.  However, for now I will remain silent.

I spent two days last week in a hotel attending a training session, unfortunately it was not as informative as I had wished but I know if I hadn't attended I'd have been worried I'd missed something.  Afterwards I had coffee with a friend of mine I met whilst doing my NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) training

As usual, I started fretting about something during the week.  This week it was James (the one in Thailand).  As you know he has an infection in his leg and needed medical advice.  Anyway, for almost 3 days I lost contact with him and started to really worry.  I tried to contact his room mate who also seemed to disappear off the face of the earth.  Getting desperate I contacted one of his friends in the UK who was also worried as she hadn't heard from him either.  Finally we managed to get contact and all seemed well.  He was due to go to the hospital yesterday to get his leg seen to.  Now I'm just waiting to hear how it all went.

I know I'm silly and my hubby is always telling me not to worry but I just can't help it.  I don't think it'll matter what age my kids are I will always worry about them one way or another.

So diet wise the week went very well.  I didn't lose any weight this week but that was probably due to other reasons (only women have to worry about).  But, I'm still positive, I have stuck to my daily routine of 45 mins on the treadmill before work every morning and and listening religiously to my hypnotherapy CD.  I even managed to get my hubby to listen to it once but not sure he is convinced.

Yesterday, hubby and I went out separately to Friday brunches (which is a rarity).  He went to the Habtoor Grand for a NWA (no wives allowed) brunch and I went back to the Intercontinental Hotel with a lovely group of friends with two lovely little girls who were extremely well behaved.

Afterwards my friend and I went to the Hard Rock Cafe and both our hubbies came along to join us.  We waited for the live band to come on at 9 pm and then wished we hadn't.  OMG they were awful. The lead female singer thought she was Fergie from the Blackeyed Peas and we all thought she was in an audition for the X Factor or something.  The male singer was even worse, prancing about the stage in tartan coloured skinny jeans and a massive red and black Tina Turner wig on (god knows what all that was about).  But I'm sure with all the talent about they could certainly get something better than them.  Anyway, we took a short trip to the Irish Village for a night cap and then back home.  Luckily enough there were no accidents with candles this week (although hubby's hand is still in a right mess).

Today, hubby and I have been having a little look at villas to rent.  I'm still really looking forward to moving out of here for a number of reasons (which are too long to list).  So, over the next few weeks we will be look intently for a new place.

This week, I was very disappointed to realise that I am unable to participate in the charity event next weekend for the children with cancer, as I realised I've already got a prior engagement that I cannot get out of.  I'm actually gutted, but will make a donation to compensate for not being there.

Finally, my hubby and I are going to see  'Glee' tonight at the Madinat Theatre in Souk Madinat, later this evening.  I know we're sad (Gleeks even) but it's just one of those feel good things which we enjoy, so why not?  And I am sure they will be a damn sight better than the Tina Turner impersonator.

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