Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's been a long week

Hi everyone, it's the end of the working week for me and what a week it has been.  I've been working on one part of a massive project for quite a while and had to present it to a number of staff members today.  On Monday this week, my boss made a number of changes to the presentation and I was really stressed about how I would complete it on time.  However, with the help of one of my colleagues and working late every night this week, I managed to pull it off with only a few very small changes needed.  So, now I can go into the weekend with my mind at ease and enjoy my two days off.

I've just been to the nail salon for a rebalance -  I chose french polish as I'm off to Jeddah, KSA again on Sunday so had to pick something quite conservative.  I also had a pedicure which was a little difficult as I have a massive blister on the bottom of my foot (from all the exercise on the treadmill no doubt).  I also had my eye brows threaded and tinted.   I always wonder why the woman takes such a long time threading my eyebrows, it's not as if I have load of hair but she aways seems to be at it for ages.  My son always says I look like I have two caterpillars above my eyes when I have them tinted but obviously they can't be that bad because he never even noticed I'd had them done.

Whilst I was at the salon I spoke to a friend of mine on the phone for about an hour and a half.  Obviously we had a lot to talk about and it was great catching up (I'm just glad it was a local call - can you imagine how much it would have cost to the UK?)

At the beginning of the week, I wrote in the 'I can make you thin' journal that I promised not to drink alcohol all week.  I am very proud to say I haven't had a drink since Friday (OMG I sound like an alcoholic during an alcoholics anonymous meeting lol).  Anyway, considering I was under a lot of stress on a work front, I'm pleased I didn't give in.  But, it's the weekend and I'm currently treating myself to little vodka and diet coke.

 'A tribute to Glee and other Gleeful Tunes' at the Madinat Jumierah Theatre on Saturday night was pretty good.  At first I was a little disappointed as I was comparing it to the real thing.  I also thought there was going to be some sort of storyline to it too, but it was literally only singing.  It was good is it's own way, but none of them where exactly Lea Michele (Rachel Berry) or Amber Riley (Mercedes Jones).  However, hubby and I had a good sing-a-long to hits like "Don't Stop Believing", "Beautiful", "Rain on my Parade", "Imagine", "Rehab" etc.

I've not heard much from my son in Thailand but do know his leg is still not good and he's still having medical attention, which again is not good, I can't understand why it's taking so long to heal but I'm no doctor so we'll just have to wait and see and hope it gets better soon.

This week, I've seen 2 big accidents on the road, one today on SZR (after leaving my meeting) and one a couple of days ago in Jebel Ali.  Unfortunately and huge HGV truck had turned over on a small roundabout in the entrance to gate 4 in JA.  God knows how it turned over but it did.  I was a little worried when I saw the ambulance crew aiding the driver as he had been thrown from his cabin onto the ground outside on the floor (I hope to god he was OK).

So tomorrow hubby and I and a group of friends are off for a day on a yacht, sailing from Fujairah (one of the Emirates).  Hubby and I considered diving but it mean taking all our equipment, as it's not a 'diving' sail we decided against it.  We are however going to take snorkelling gear and lots and lots of sun cream.  Some of us are going up on the coach which has been organised by the company, others are going in our cars as we are going to stay over in Fujairah for the night (more on this on Saturday).  But needless to say I can't wait.

The diet has been going well, I've upped the pace on my treadmill and extended the time to 50 minutes each day before work and listened to the CD every night.  So, I'm looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow and will report back.

Finally, I've had news that my friend from the baby shower blog has had her baby today.  All is well and I'm looking forward to seeing them both on my return from KSA.

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