Friday, May 18, 2012

Surrounded by loved ones

Good evening everyone I hope you are all well.  I am really happy today as I have just booked a holiday to Egypt with my family.  I am sooooooo excited.  It has been a long time since we all had a big family holiday and especially as I live away from the UK it will be an extra special holiday.  The whole purpose of the holiday is to celebrate my sister's big 50 in October.  Apparently there is about 18 of us going, so it's gonna be great fun (I'm sure hubby and I will get some diving in too whilst we are there).
I am also on the verge of waiting to hear if my BFF and her lovely hubby can come out for a week to see us in October.  It is their 10th wedding anniversary and they are hoping to get away from the UK (without the kids) for a week.  Not that I wouldn't want the kids here I love them to pieces  (not sure they're happy they're not coming bless em).  Anyway, fingers crossed she manages to persuade her lovely, kind, generous parents to look after the boys (I've even promised to take her dad an 'I love Dubai' T-shirt home in August as a bribe).

It's a bit quiet here at the moment, my hubby has gone away for a few days to Bahrain for work (missing him already) and the boys are out drinking (no surprize there), so it's just me and Charlie.  We have had a nice day though, we've been at ANOTHER brunch at the Media Rotana in Tecom.  However, it was a very sedate brunch, lovely food, great company and just and nice relaxing afternoon.

I have been a little put out this week though, as we have had to have our moving date changed from next week till 7th June.  I was not happy at all when I found out as I really had my heart set on moving next week.  Anyway, never mind, three weeks and counting.  I was also a little put out when someone told me I was far too old to move house (what's all that about then?).  Seriously, I sometimes wonder.  How can anyone be too old to move?  Plus I'm 46 not bloody 106.  Oh well never mind, I just take deep breaths and count to 10.

More fantastic news, my youngest son has a new job.  It came right out of the blue a few days ago, but he's been interviewed and starts on Sunday.  We are all so happy, the job is something totally different to what he does but he's extremely enthusiastic and is really looking forward to it.  So I say go for it and continue to remain positive.  Tomorrow we're on a shopping spree for suits, shirts and ties etc.

Again, no exercise this week, but now I'm not moving for another 3 weeks, I'm back to my regime tomorrow.  I did however, spend 6 hours in Dubai Mall on Wednesday (working) and managed to do almost 9000 steps on my pedometer lol.

I also spoke to what seemed like every man and his dog on Wednesday on Skype.  (my mum, dad, sister, 2 great nephews, BFF, her hubby, my 2 god sons, my brother and my nephew) and finally, my eldest on FB.  Honestly, sometimes no one comes on, then other nights, everyone wants to talk at the same time.  I also spoke to the guy who was our best man at our wedding and one of my lovely friends/ex colleagues on FB messenger for ages.  But to be honest I never tire of it all, I love keeping in touch with everyone and miss them dearly, so it never gets boring.

So along with the shopping trip tomorrow, I'm doing the volunteer work with the children who have cancer at Dubai Creek so will catch up later on the events of the day.  Bye for now.

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