Thursday, May 24, 2012

When will I see you again?

So, today was the day we were supposed to be moving to our new house.  Unfortunately, that's not happening now for another 2 weeks.  I'm really trying not to think about it too much because it just makes the time go slower, but honestly I'm so ready to move.

As you know we live in an area which is still not fully up and functional (what we Brits call a bomb site).  Anyway, 10 months ago when we moved in the agent assured us that all the facilities would be up and running (very soon).  Needless to say, 10 months later and nothing has changed.  If anything, it has got worse and last week they decided to rip up all the block paving they have taken so long to put down.  So now there are even more holes, cones and orange tape everywhere.  There was one small light at the end of the tunnel last night though, for about half an hour the street lights were working (but then they were off again, lol).  Plus we've lost all our Internet, telephone and TV connection, probably something to do with all the roadworks most likely.

Anyway, needless to say we're ready to move and the 7th June can't come quicker for us.

Hubby is now back from Bahrain, I picked him up from the airport last night.  He's been gone since Friday but feels much longer, I know I sound soppy but I really miss him when he's not there, he's my sole mate and I love him dearly.

Talking about missing people, I'm also really missing my son in Thailand and it doesn't help when he has so much trouble with Internet connection and his phone battery is always knackered (god knows why, he's the only person in the world I know that has so many problems with mobile phones).  Anyway,  I woke up the other morning in a bit of a state as I'd had a really bad dream about him.  I tried to call and text him to see if he was OK and go not answer (which didn't help). 

Later on in the day it suddenly hit me that I don't actually know when I will see him again.  God knows why I didn't think about it before but I'm devastated to think I might not actually see him for years (oh god the tears are starting again). 

Now I realise how hundreds and thousands of other people feel when their loved ones move away (including our families).  It's awful and so upsetting but I'm going to stop on about it now and tell you about Saturday.  However, I did manage to speak to him last night.

So Saturday I had 101 things to do.  First plan of action was to take my youngest shopping for some new clothes for his new job.  Don't get me wrong he can choose his own clothes but I had to pay.  However, he'd been drinking the night before and decided to come home 2 hours after we agreed which put me right out of sync.  When we did finally get to Mall of the Emirates, he had a hangover and was being a right pain in the butt!  Needless to say, we grabbed what we could and I sent him packing back home.

Also on Saturday, I started the Cambridge Weight Plan diet.  One of my friends did it recently and lost quite a bit of weight and since nothing seems to be working for me at the moment I thought I would give it a go (why not I've tried everything else).  I just wanted something to boost my weight loss before the wedding.  Plus another friend of mine said she would do it with me.  

The woman at the Cambridge Weight Plan centre was a little strange, she's from Sheffield in the UK and has a really broad accent and can definitely talk for England.  Anyway, I listened to her presentation about the diet for about an hour, bought the food and left.  5 days later and I'm really feeling thinner.  I've weighed myself this morning and have lost weight but will wait for the official weigh-in on Saturday.

I also volunteered to help out at the Dubai Children's City in the Creek park for the children in remission from cancer.  It was a initiative from the company I work with but to be honest not very well thought out.  The problem was that all children (and their very large families) couldn't speak a word of English (absolutely no one's fault), however, all the non-Arabic speaking people were unable to communicate with them.  Therefore a number of volunteers (including oneself) were a little redundant.  To be honest I felt like a spare part. 

The children and families were very shy and would only talk to the Arab speaking people leaving the rest of us to walk around aimlessly.  Such a shame, I wished I could have done more.  Anyway, apparently they all had a  great time and thanked us for our support. 
On the exercise front I have finally started back on the treadmill and have done another few afternoons walking around the malls (which definitely helps).

Finally, Hubby and I have booked a holiday to Egypt in October, with most of my family to celebrate my big sister's big 50.  I can't wait, it's been ages since we all had a big family holiday.  Apparently there are 18 of us going (some close friends of my sister too).  So it should be a good one.

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