Friday, February 1, 2013

My mojo is in Hibernation

Well, I finally made it back from KSA last Thursday morning.  After a 4 hour delay and then finding out my hubby hadn't put his alarm clock on to pick me up from the airport, I got home at 5 am (I was not a happy bunny believe me).

Unfortunately, my mood hasn't really got any better since then (if not its got worse).  I've had a hard time at work this week (its not the work, it's just keeping motivated, sometimes it gets me down).  And as each day this week went by it got worse and by yesterday I was ready to explode (thank god for weekends).

My diet has been going really well and last week when I was away I lost 3lbs.  But I'm a binge eater and when I'm fed up I eat!!!! So all the weight I lost is probably back on (I daren't weigh myself - it'll make me more depressed).

My niece made a very wise statement on Facebook last week which I agree with wholeheartedly.   She said, "Everyone PLEASE go out and eat everything you can find and STOP exercising!! I just thought about it, and it everyone I know became little pigs, I won't have to do shitty diets anymore! do it for me, pretty please!"  Ah bless her, but I know exactly how she feels.

Anyway, the dieting might have gone out of the window the last few days (and will probably continue until after the weekend) but I have still been exercising (mainly on the treadmill).  I'm loving the fact that I can download programmes onto my Ipad and watch them whilst running (well speed walking really).  I even spoke to my mum and dad and my two nephews on Skype the other day whilst on my treadmill (how good is that)?

I know Celebrity Big Brother has now finish and I know that Rylan Clark won it (and so he should have he was fab), but I am still a little bit behind on the episodes.  However, I did manage to watch episode 18 the other day whilst on my treadmill.   OMG it was hilarious, (it was the one where they had 'Big Blogger' and then the American party afterwards).  Honestly I cannot understand how 'Spiedi' can second they are HORRIBLE people!  I am a massive Big Brother fan but I truly believe that the programme is fixed!!!!   That's it, I'm done, I'll stick to Strictly Come Dancing and Dancing on Ice from now on!

This week, hubby and I have watched 'Life of Pi' (which was great and made me cry), 'Les Miserables' and 'The Impossible'.  OMG that film is the saddest film I have EVER seen (I cried from about 3 minutes in and NEVER stopped).  And because its based on a true story its even worse.  Its one of those films you have to see but don't really want to if you know what I mean.  It was sad but good at the same time.  All I can say its a good job I wasn't watching it at the cinema or on a plane, people would have thought I was having a breakdown.

One thing that didn't make me cry this week was a lovely evening out last Friday when we celebrated 'Burns Night' with our Scottish friends.  We went to the 'H' Hotel (I know crap name) and had Burns Supper with the Caledonian Society of Dubai.  It was a very 'posh' do and we enjoyed it immensely. We were 'piped' in as we made our entrance down the weeping staircase and the Haggis was also 'piped in'.   It was a grand do and everyone made a real effort for the occasion (I've never seen so many men in skirts before lol).   It's a far cry from other  Burns nights I've celebrated in the past.

My stepson has just spent a full month not drinking alcohol and I am very impressed (for anyone that knows him they wouldn't have believed he could do it), but he has and in the process he has raised £400 for Cancer Research so well done to him!

My son in Sri Lanka is better and back to full health (thank god).  He seems happy with life and everything at the moment so that puts a smile back on my face (good god something has too).

Anyway,that's it for this week, I have felt a few times this week that I'd like to hibernate, but perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I should always remember, life could be a lot worse.  I promise by next week my mojo will be back.

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